Scariest Places On Earth (Villisca, Iowa) Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Paranormal researchers pay a visit to a home that is reportedly haunted. As the story unfolds, the team visits a farmhouse where in 1912, someone hacked an entire family to death with an axe. The killer was never caught, and the crime remains a mystery to this day. Want to see more? Check out my page; I have more episodes available than anyone else offers! This series is no longer available and there is no DVD set. Here is what someone in Virginia wrote on a blog concerning this series: "Fox Family Channel by the turn of the century was bought out by ABC TV who is in turn owned by Disney. Disney being family friendly canned this show in 2001. There were a few designated replays of the show on Family Channel but that was just to finish out the obligations to the creators of the show. Today this shows' video tapes sits in the vault somewhere at Family Channel Studios collecting dust and waiting to be released on DVD uncut uncensored and unedited. But knowing Michael Eisner and Disney that ain't never going to happen."

