Miami Home Mortgage - Give Wings to Your Dream to Own a House Monday, September 27, 2010

Miami home mortgage is sought after by many people. There are various factors that contribute to the popularity of this city. Some such reasons are that the city is ranked among the most urbanized cities in the United States. It is also the skyscraper capital of Florida, with its skyline being the same as New York and Chicago. Miami is a global city, which houses a large number of industries. The weather here is pleasant. What's more, this city has the most favorable financial environment for investment.

Choosing Your Lender

The last ten years have seen a great boom in the real estate sector in Miami. However, due to the sub prime mortgage mess, a lender, who offers Miami home mortgage at low interest rates and at the same time does not have very stringent requirements for qualifying individuals for loans, is a great catch. He should have the know-how of home mortgages in Miami and long-term loans. If he offers an easy and quick mode of application, like online application, it will give you an added advantage of convenience and comfort.

Choosing the Loan Type

It is always important to decide, what type of mortgage would be best for you. There are different options available, classified according to the interest rate. You can choose from:

o Fixed rate home mortgage loans for a period of 30 years or 15 years, where the interest rate is high for a longer duration and as low as 0.25% to 0.5% for smaller duration;

o Adjustable rate mortgage loan where the interest varies according to the fluctuations in the real estate market; or

o Interest only mortgage loan, where you pay only the interest as installments and the principal towards the end of your mortgage period.

The Personal Factor

Each application for Miami home mortgage is separate, as each individual has different requirements, payment options and resources. Each person has a different purpose for buying a property in Miami. Therefore, a package, which is custom-made for the client, keeping in view his needs and limitations, is always the best.

Visit CORE online to get free access to more information and resources for getting a Miami home mortgage

