Fibromyalgia - Can I Cope With This Chronic Medical Disorder at Christmas? (Yes, You Can) Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fibromyalgia is a chronic medical disorder that greatly impacts various areas of an individual's body. These areas include muscles, and soft tissue that is part of the muscles, such as the tendons and ligaments.

Each year, millions of people suffer with fibromyalgia through the Christmas holidays. This can be a very troublesome time for fibromyalgia sufferers everywhere. Here, you will learn how to cope with fibromyalgia at Christmas.

The most common explanation among sufferers with fibromyalgia of how they feel is that they feel as if they have the flu. This is because the most common symptoms include pain throughout the body, complications with sleep, and extreme levels of fatigue.

Fibromyalgia is not a condition that can be cured; however, there are many effective treatments that can help soothe the symptoms of this chronic condition. In order to cope with fibromyalgia at Christmas, it is important that you learn as much as you possibly can regarding the condition.

The ultimate cause of fibromyalgia is not known. However, many medical professionals have established a list of possible triggers for the onset of the condition. These theories include:

1) An individual who does not get the proper amount of sleep may experience the onset of fibromyalgia and the symptoms may become apparent in these situations. This is because sleeping is the body's time to repair and replenish itself. If it does not get this time to repair and replenish, an individual may experience an attack of fibromyalgia.

2) Many medical professionals account the onset of fibromyalgia to an injury that an individual received at some point in their life. This may be either a physical injury or some type of trauma that affected an individual emotionally. It is believed that these types of traumas have had a direct impact on the brain, nerves, and the spine.

3) Many believe that an abnormality in the chemicals in the nervous system that control the ability to become sensitive to pain may lead to the onset and symptoms of fibromyalgia.

4) Infections that are either bacterial or viral may be culprits to the onset of fibromyalgia. This is especially true if an individual has a genetic predisposition to developing this disease.

While it is common to see fibromyalgia occur in families, there is no conclusive evidence that states that this condition is a result of genetics. There is only evidence that certain families have more than one case of this condition.

Coping with fibromyalgia at Christmas can be extremely difficult for the sufferer and the friends and family members of the sufferer. This is because the individual often suffers from many uncomfortable symptoms that may limit the activities that they commit to.

Individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia at Christmas often find it difficult to commit to family gatherings. The ability to engage in activities like Christmas shopping, preparing Christmas meals, and doing something as small as making Christmas cookies may be too overwhelming for the individual who suffers from the symptoms of this condition.

There is a wide array of symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. Listed below are just a few of the most common symptoms that may affect a person's ability to enjoy Christmas to its fullest extent:

1) An individual with fibromyalgia often experiences extreme muscle pain. This is quite common during the cold weather that is often experienced during Christmas. Having spasms of the muscles, and even cramps in the legs are common symptoms.

2) Many individuals experience sleep complications. This may include waking up at various intervals throughout the night. This can cause a person to feel completely exhausted and as if they have absolutely no energy to commit to anything during Christmas.

3) Many who suffer from fibromyalgia may find themselves struggling mentally. They may be unable to concentrate on a particular task for very long, have trouble remembering words, or even tasks that they must complete.

4) Sensitivities become very noticeable during the Christmas holidays. Lights, smells, noises, and cold weather can actually result in discomfort. Christmas lights, certain smells such as those associated with pine trees, and cinnamon, noises associated with Christmas carols, and even breezes can cause the fibromyalgia sufferer pain.

5) Many individuals suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, and are easily prone to vomiting with fibromyalgia. This is especially true during the Christmas holidays because so many different types of foods and beverages are consumed.

6) Simple things - such as household chores, easy work assignments, and changes in schedules, may cause a person with fibromyalgia to experience high levels of stress and anxiety. This stress and anxiety can lead to a fibromyalgia attach at Christmas.

When dealing with fibromyalgia at Christmas, it is important to ensure that you take a few measures to avoid an attack. These measures include:

1) Explain to friends and family members that it may be difficult to commit to certain Christmas activities and gatherings. Having support from friends and family members is very important when you suffer from fibromyalgia at Christmas.

2) If you must shop for Christmas gifts, or prepare for Christmas activities, you should ensure that you do not push yourself. By doing more than you can handle, at inappropriate times, you may find yourself under an attack with fibromyalgia.

3) Enlist the assistance of others to help you with tasks that are related to Christmas. This may include Christmas shopping, baking for Christmas, and other Christmas preparations.

By using the information in this article, this Christmas can be an enjoyable time for you. Remember, when you suffer from fibromyalgia at Christmas, it does not mean that you have to endure the holidays full of stress and pain!

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